Monday, August 24, 2020
Integrating Annotated Bibliography
Question: Examine about the Integrating Annotated Bibliography. Answer: Presentation This article is explaining about the use of Swarm robots in the field of salvage and looking through activities. Moreover, this article is the use of multitude robots is clarified in this article by looking into twelve articles about utilization of multitude robots in salvage tasks. These surveys are giving a powerful situation to comprehend its utility. What's more, in one of part of this task the a few portrayals about comparability report of this task is additionally explained. Impromptu Communication in Teams of Mobile Robots Using ZigBee Technology This article is composed by four writers had practical experience in apply autonomy and this article is explaining about the Ad Hoc Communication in Teams of Mobile Robots Using ZigBee Technology (Fernandes et al., 2015). The versatile robots are being created and made in the organization of framework mechanical autonomy so as to use these robots in the space of framework and apply autonomy. This diary is for the most part clarifying about the execution procedure of hoc remote functionalities inside the robots all together utilize the robots in the field of salvage and examination purposes. The creators are for the most part concentrating on the XBee unique gear Manufacturer Radio Frequency with the assistance of the standard Arduino orders inside the field of salvage and looking through activities. These functionalities present the component that helps the clients in recognizing the conventions and other significant attributes that helps the robots in discovering some animal or a fe w things. The writers of this article are focusing on the got signal quality and other significant highlights of the framework that helps the client in getting the ideal things to be found. Propelled swarm robots tending to creative assignments, for example, gathering, search, salvage, mapping, correspondence, flying and other unique applications This article is composed by one partner editorial manager about the Advanced multitude robots tending to creative undertakings, for example, gathering, search, salvage, mapping, correspondence, flying and other unique applications (Bloss, 2014). The creators are concentrating on the potential looks for utilizing the robots safeguarding the animals or things inside topographical area of the robot. What's more, the reason for the creator is to concentrate on different overall ventures that help to create and apply imaginative multitude type robots for the difficult applications. The writer of this article is focusing on the assembling of multitude robots that helps in looking through the physical structure around the geological area of the framework identified with the robot. Functional executions of these robots are imperative to be considered in this article, not just the manufacturings of robots are explained in this article yet in addition the employments of framework are additiona lly being expounded in this article. In correlation with other framework design, the cost structures for these mechanical headways are additionally expounded in this article. Calculation for Movement of Swarm Robots This article is concentrating on the Algorithmic development of the robots for using the robot for search and salvage activities inside contemporary framework design of apply autonomy. the writers has been expressed in this article more significant level of operational greatness is accomplished with the assistance of robots (Rakesh, 2012). The robots give successful and precise yields in correlation with the manual activities. This article is expounding about the multitude insight rules that help the robots in working together with different self-sufficient or non-self-governing animal in the specialized spaces. This article is mostly concentrating on the utilization of computerized reasoning for the utilization of multitude robots in discovering things or some other physical deterrent. The utilization of multitude knowledge is useful for finding the streamlined way. A chain of different robots should be overseen for with the assistance of regular way ID. This paper is expounding abo ut the home robot that utilizations proposed strategies for looking through any deterrents. Defective robot salvage by multi-robot participation This paper is explaining about the multi operator conduct of the robots in the space of quick reactions for the discovering some snag or physical structure inside the land area considered in the event of any robot (Eoh et al., 2013). Notwithstanding this reality, the creators of this paper are explaining about the sound sign that helps in recognizing the defective robots among a gathering of robots. Interestingly with this reality, the creators of this paper is expressed that the for the salvage crucial any flawed robot, the sound limitation procedures ought to must be first arranged and afterward the sound source is evaluated, which is originating from the broken robot. Also, a defective robot can't be found with the assistance of a solitary robot in the geological space of any gathering of robot. This must be conceivable with the assistance of a lot of robots inside their working space. The intelligent correspondence is one of the best components that helps the robot in finding the defective robot. The worldwide situating is mulled over if there should be an occurrence of finding the flawed robot. Finding the ideal area and allotment of hand-off robots for building a quick start to finish remote correspondence This article is expounding about the looking of ideal situating of multitude robots for making an ideal remote correspondence arrange (Mina et al., 2016). The writers of this article are concentrating on the crucial standard of start to finish remote correspondence that is framed with the assistance of hand-off condition that assists with making association between the system areas. Also, as indicated by the creator, the plan of start to finish correspondence issues recognized for the buyers are distinguished and afterward the issues required inside this case is distinguished. As per the creators, the recieving wire and robots inward and operational functionalities are essential to be considered for this situation of finding other physical hindrances in the middle of the way of them. This diary is focusing on the limitations that are included into the proliferation of radio signals just as which are infeasible regarding the area of the robots. The creators are expounding about the st reamlining strategy that helps the robots in leading a few reenactments for finding the specific method of cooperations between the robots. Coordinating Arduino-Based Educational Mobile Robots in ROS This article is explaining about the Integrating Arduino-Based Educational Mobile Robots in ROS (Araujo et al., 2015). Moreover, the creators of this diary are explaining about the total coordination procedure of instructive portable mechanical stage work around an Arduino controller board. This Arduino board is fit for offering the help to the Robot Operating System so as to locate the a few snags in the middle of the way of robot. The equipment reflection and natural model is remembered for to the framework engineering of the robot functionalities so as to get the position changes of the framework design. The creators for the most part centered around the multi robot reconnaissance or multitude mechanical autonomy. The robot is empowered with the assistance of a few devices and information examination capacities for making it obstinate. Consolidating the fields of multitude mechanical autonomy and new media: Perceiving swarm apply autonomy as new media This article is expounding about the Merging the fields of multitude mechanical autonomy and new media: Perceiving swarm apply autonomy as new media (Ivanova et al., 2017). The creators of this diary are explaining the confirmations from the multitude apply autonomy. These confirmations are considered as the multitude mechanical technology components. Also, the new proposition The Language of New Media is explained in this article. The article is for the most part perceived for the inside and out correlation of the qualities between the two kinds of robots. The media establishments are consolidated in this article so as to make a compelling examination. The correlation in the middle of these two angles incorporates the better approach for developing the multitude mechanical autonomy inside the framework engineering of new media. PSO-Based Robot Path Planning for Multisurvivor Rescue in Limited Survival Time This article is expounding about PSO-Based Robot Path Planning for Multisurvivor Rescue in Limited Survival Time. The multitude apply autonomy is utilized in these sections for making the framework for discovering some specific obstruction (Geng et al., 2014). Also, the writers of this article are worried about the critical and risky portions or conditions. The robot is made with this worry it will be fit for detecting the situation and that will be useful in protecting some specific thing or individual with ideal way that could be available. The writers have expounded in this article from the outset the discrete advancement of way determination as indicated by the goal of the robot is finished. The impediment in the way of robot is worried about their high likelihood requirement. These imperatives assume an incredible job in finding the most simple way for the robot. Outspread and Sigmoid Basis Function Neural Networks in Wireless Sensor Routing Topology Control in Underground Mine Rescue Operation Based on Particle Swarm Optimization This article is concentrating on the sigmoid based capacities that are fusing imaginative and controlling topology for underground salvage tasks huge for the remote system detecting innovation that indicates the root or way for the multitude robots (Ansong et al., 2013). The sigmoid capacities are used for detecting the successions of the snags are coming before the multitude robots. This viewpoint makes the robot increasingly touchy. The writers of this article is explaining about the scientific figurings dependent on sigmoid capacities, spiral capacities that helps the robot in picking their method of development. Ocean
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Spanish Proverbs and Quotes for Your Life
Spanish Proverbs and Quotes for Your Life Like their English partners, Spanish adages regularly catch the knowledge of the ages with immortal guidance about existence. En boca cerrada no entran moscas Interpretation: Flies dont enter a shut mouth. (You wont commit an error in the event that you dont talk.) Here are sufficient sayings to keep going for a month. To test your jargon or stretch your understanding abilities, have a go at deciphering them and thinking of an English comparable, despite the fact that be cautioned that there isnt constantly an immediate English partner. Loose interpretations or English identical precepts are in brackets. 31 Spanish Proverbs, Quotes, and Sayings El hbito no hace al monje. The propensity doesnt make the priest. (Garments don't make the man.)A beber y a tragar, que el mundo se va an acabar. Heres to drinking and gulping, for the world will be done. (Eat, drink and be cheerful, for tomorrow we die.)Algo es algo; menos es nothing. Something will be something; less is nothing. (Its superior to nothing. A large portion of a portion is better than none.)No feed que ahogarse en un vaso de agua. It isnt important to suffocate oneself in a glass of water. (Dont make a mountain out of a molehill.)Borra con el codo lo que escribe con la mano. He/she eradicates with the elbow what his/her hand is doing. (His correct hand doesnt comprehend what his left hand is doing.)Dame skillet y dime tonto. Give me bread and consider me a bonehead. (Consider me what you will. For whatever length of time that I get what I need, it doesnt matter what you think.)La cabra siempre tira al monte. The goat consistently makes a beeline for the mountain. (The panther doesnt change its spots. You cannot show an old pooch new tricks.)El love todo lo puede. Love can do everything. (Love will discover a way.) A los tontos no les dura el dinero. Cash doesn't keep going for fools. (A nitwit and his cash are soon parted.)De mã ºsico, poeta y loco, todos tenemos un poco. We as a whole have a smidgen of artist, artist and insane individual in ourselves.Al mejor escribano se le va un borrã ³n. To the best recorder comes a smirch. (Indeed, even the best of us commit errors. Nobodys perfect.)Camarà ³n que se duerme se lo lleva la corriente. The shrimp that nods off is conveyed by the current. (Dont let the world cruise you by. Remain caution and be proactive. Dont nod off at the wheel.)A lo hecho, pecho. Whatever is done, the chest. (Face up to what is. What is done is done.)Nunca es tarde para aprender. It never is late for learning. (It is never past the point where it is possible to learn.)A otro perro con ese hueso. To another canine with that bone. (Advise that to somebody who will trust you.)Desgracia compartida, menos sentida. Mutual disaster, less distress. (Hopelessness cherishes comp any.)Donde feed humo, roughage calor. Where theres smoke, theres heat. (Where theres smoke theres fire.) No feed peor sordo que el que no quiere oã r. There is definitely not a more regrettable hard of hearing individual than the person who doesnt need to hear. (There is none so visually impaired as he who won't see.)No vendas la piel del oso bets de cazarlo. Dont sell the bears stow away before you chase it. (Dont tally your chickens before they hatch.)Quà © bonito es ver la lluvia y no mojarse. That it is so ideal to see the downpour and not get wet. (Dont censure others for the manner in which they accomplish something except if youve done it yourself.)Nadie da palos de balde. No one gives sticks for nothing. (You cannot get something in vain. Theres nothing of the sort as a free lunch.)Los rboles no estn dejando ver el bosque. The trees arent permitting one to see the timberland. (You cannot see the timberland for the trees.)El mundo es un paã ±uelo. The world is a tissue. (Its a little world.)A cada cerdo le llega su San Martã n. Each pig gets its San Martã n. (What circumv ents comes around. You merit what you get. San Martã n alludes to a customary festival wherein a pig is relinquished.) Consejo no pedido, consejo mal oã do. Guidance not requested, exhortation ineffectively heard. (Somebody who doesnt request exhortation doesnt need to hear it. Dont offer guidance except if youre asked.)Obras child loves y no buenas razones. Acts are love and valid justifications arent. (Activities talk stronger than words.)Gobernar es prever. To administer is to anticipate. (It is smarter to forestall issues than to fix them. An ounce of avoidance merits a pound of cure.)No dejes camino viejo por sendero nuevo. Dont leave the old street for another path. (Its better to stay with what works. An easy route isnt consistently quicker.)No dejes para maã ±ana lo que puedas hacer hoy. Dont leave for tomorrow that which you can do today.Donde no feed harina, todo es mohina. Where theres no flour, everything is a disturbance. (Neediness breeds discontent. On the off chance that your needs arent met, you wont be happy.)Todos los caminos llevan a Roma. All streets lead to Rome. (Theres more than one approach to arrive at an objective. All activities have a similar outcome.) Also, a Bonus Handful La lengua no tiene hueso, pero corta lo ms grueso. The tongue doesnt have a bone, yet it cuts the thickest thing. (Words are more impressive than weapons.)La raã z de todos los guys es el love al dinero. The foundation of all wrongs is love toward cash. (Love of cash is the foundation of all evil.)A falta de skillet, tortillas. Absence of bread, tortillas. (Manage with what you have. A large portion of a portion is better than none.)El love es como el agua que no se seca. Love resembles water that never vanishes. (Genuine affection keeps going forever.)
Sunday, July 19, 2020
How to Write a Psychology Essay
How to Write a Psychology Essay What is Psychology Essay? Need help with an academic essay about psychology? Don’t know how to choose essay topics for psychology writing assignments? Students write different types of papers in psychology classes: essays, research reports, literature reviews, lab reports. Writing in psychology, a social science that studies human behavior is meant to inform the reader about the new idea, scientific theory or experiment. It has certain tricky peculiarities so if you need some advice on how to write a psychology essay, keep on reading this article. First of all, you should keep in mind that writing in psychology is based on the following principles: You should use plain language. Psychology papers are examples of formal scientific writing style that is plain and straightforward. Your writings should be clear and concise. It’s essential to make connections between evidence based on experience, theories, and conclusions. Your reasoning should be based on evidence. Arguments in psychology are based on the empirical evidence and using opinions, narratives or personal examples is not appropriate. You should use APA format. Psychologists use APA format for publications and students should mostly use it too, although some instructors may give you some specific requirements. Although formatting requirements for your psychology essay may vary, your essay should usually include Title page â€" contains the title of the paper, the student’s name, the university’s name Abstract â€" gives a concise summary of the key points of your psychology research Introduction â€" introduces the topic, gives background information, defines the research question Body â€" provides an argument on your topic supported by convincing evidence Conclusion â€" summarizes your arguments and points to areas of possible future research References â€" has a list of sources cited in the text To make your writing process easier, here are some writing tips. You should star your essay by choosing a good topic which is specific enough for you to explore but that allows you to find sources of information. Start doing research on your topic as early as you can and create a preliminary list of sources that you may use for writing your essay. When writing your psychology essay, you should keep a careful track of the cited sources. Make sure that every source cited in your essay is included in the list on the references page. Prepare the rough draft of your essay and then revise and rewrite it several times. Write the final draft and proofread it to make sure that there are no typos, spelling and grammar mistakes or problems with APA format. Psychology is a complex science that has many unique and distinct branches so college students might be assigned to write essays in different branches of psychology, for example, an essay in cognitive psychology, a clinical psychology essay, a forensic psychology essay, and more. How to Write a Social Psychology Essay Social psychology studies how different people behave in real-world situations. When writing social psychology essay papers, you should keep in mind that social psychology is not a unified field of science. There are many different approaches such as traditional (also referred as mainstream or experimental) psychology, discursive psychology, critical social psychology, feminist social psychology, and more. All these branches approach the study of social processes and phenomena in different ways, use different methodologies and have influenced the traditional social psychological theories. A good essay on psychology will use information on these approaches, where it is appropriate (you should always make sure you answer the psychology essay questions) and discuss how they have influenced the understanding of the social processes that you investigate. It is vital to understand that when you are writing on social psychology essay topics, you will have to define the concept or phenomenon in question and explain the relevant theories and apply critical thinking to evaluate them. You should use evidence from your research to reveal their strengths and weaknesses. You should demonstrate a good knowledge of the key classic studies that are related to the development of the theory you are discussing in your essay, and show that you are aware of the topical debates in the field. That’s why you should include relevant contemporary research too. Sometimes, social psychology topics represent a mix of theory and basic and applied research. So, when writing an essay on social psychology, you should demonstrate that you are well aware of contemporary theories and can apply them to ‘real life’ scenarios. Psychology is not an easy subject â€" it requires a considerable amount of reading and study and writing in psychology might be challenging and time-consuming. If you feel that you cannot cope with your psychology essay on your own, you can hire a professional writer on our custom essay writing service and order a model essay on your topic. Our experienced writers are experts in their fields of studies so your custom essay in psychology will be strong in content, perfect in style, and error-free.
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Critical Analysis Of The Deutsche Bank - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 6 Words: 1758 Downloads: 2 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Finance Essay Type Analytical essay Did you like this example? Critical Analysis Of The Deutsche Bank Introduction To Deutsche Bank The deutsche bank is originally a German bank and financial services company which was started in the year 1870 in Berlin, Germany. The bank has since grown and is said to now employ approximately 10000 workers in over 70cities world over. The services offered by the Deutsche bank include but not limited to, sales, trading, and origination of debt, equity and trading research(Kristofik, 2014). Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Critical Analysis Of The Deutsche Bank" essay for you Create order The bank, in its capacity as a financial institution organizes and facilitates mergers and acquisitions for companies who intend to venture out into that. Further, they facilitate wealth management, retail banking, and corporate finance among other financial services. The bank is said to have a personal touch to every product it sells to its clients with no exceptions. The bank accesses the needs of each client independently to ensure that each client, whether an individual or a body corporate has had its special needs specifically catered for. This has been said to give the bank an edge over its competition. In 2009, the bank was said to be the largest foreign exchange dealer in the world with a market share of 21%(Kristofik, 2014). Those who study markets have agreed that for a single entity to command that size of the stock market is quite something remarkable. The bank is listed on two stock exchanges which are the Frankfurt Stock Exchange and the New York Stock Exchange. There h ad been fears that Deutsche Bank would neglect its German roots and relocate, this caused ripples that led to people settling for a dual CEO model that allowed for everyone to have their needs protected. In the last quarter of the financial year 2013, the bank was said to record loses. However, the shuffles in the leadership of the bank seen this year are likely to point the functioning of the group in the right direction(Miltner, 2014). This paper will seek to tackle the issues of the application of supply chain management in the Deutsche bank as well as have a brief discussion on how the bank conducts sustainable marketing. DEUTSCHE BANKà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢S FINANCIAL SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT SERVICES More and more businesses are beginning to recognize the potential of supply chain and its role in emerging strategic management and its ability to improve sales and sale margins if properly implemented in businesses. More and more experts in this field have pointed out that the re is need to recognize the reality of relationships within supply chain management, they describe them as a risk and a revenue sharing relationship(Joel Wilsner, 2009). The unpredictability of the global market as it currently is has had a great impact on trade flows and has led both banks and financial institutions to engage in proactive management of company funds. As a result, financial supply chains have gained popularity. As globalization takes its course, supply chains have been said to become more complex. As expected, increased complexity goes hand in hand with increased financial risks(Joel Wilsner, 2009). As a result of this, Deutsche bank, just like most multi-national companies has embraced the use of Financial Supply Chain (FSC) Solutions. FSC solutions are designed to help mitigate risks of a financial nature associated with cross-border trade as well as minimal cost and disruption to existing processes(Joel Wilsner, 2009). These FSC solutions have been designed to he lp companies optimize working capital management, minimize risk while at the same time increasing the transparency between trade partners. As stated earlier, the Deutsche bank is growing rapidly and opening branches in various cities world over, it is paramount that they protect themselves from any financial risks whatsoever as they grow. The benefits of FSC have been said to be immense. However, the most spoken about benefit is said to be that FSC solutions offer a stable, reliable source of liquidity to banks like Deutsche. As compared to other sources of liquidity, FSC solutions have been reported to be flexible and solutions that are incremental as they add to rather than consume existing cash resources. Further, these solutions, if implemented properly may serve to extend working capital cycles and as result they enhance working capital management(Miltner, 2014). Deutsche bank is said to operate under the belief that Financial Supply Chain solutions can restore the balance as w ell as provide access to additional liquidity. In addition to this, FSC, have the ability to create opportunities which will allow larger corporates to be assured of their financial wellbeing and the stability of their suppliers, through providing them with the ability to access low cost fundingà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s from third parties such as Deutsche Bank. On matters FSC, Deutsche bank operates under the understanding that FSC must be global since even trade itself is global. For the bank to be able to reap optimum benefits from FSC solutions therefore, on-the-ground presence is important so as to supply the bank with vital knowledge of local regulations and local business cultures. Societies all over the world are different and their cultures are predominantly different. Deutsche bank has branches in over 70 cities of the world, and each of these cities, there are different sets of people, with different sets of beliefs and practices. Therefore, in order to be able to do effectiv e business with these people, the bank must under the specific traits of each of these communities. Only then, will they know how to tailor make financial products that will suit them, and create business for the bank around that particular region. FSC solutions are in support of all these. Owing to all these factors, Deutsche banks as a trusted advisor to its clients and has continuously invested in robust platforms that can manage a range of processes along the trade value chain(Kristofik, 2014). Therefore, for anyone seeking to understand how Deutsche bank has managed its supply chain, they would need to understand the operation and application of the Financial Supply Chain Solutions(Lee, 2011). Only then, will they be in a position to relate with the kind of strategies the bank has put in place. Although the bank recorded loses in the last quarter of 2014, the financial planners in charge of financial decision of the bank have since gone back to the growing board to chart the way forward and ensure the same does not re occur during the first financial quarter of 2014. The icing on the cake for customers of Deutsche bank is the fact that can now access this FSC solutions on a mobile application specifically designed for the banks clientele. This application allows clients of the bank to access their working capital management tools easily and fast from the comfort of their homes. This app is known as Autobahn app market. Recently, the bank has added a new feature to the application which is the banks Financial Supply Chain Solutions. They are aimed at enhancing working capital while at the same time increasing liquidity and create transparency in the banks supply chain(Backhaus, 2014). All these information is now available on an app. DEUTSCHEà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢S BANK SUATINABLE MARKETING The biggest and most sustainable marketing strategy for this bank has been keeping and maintaining a sustainable clientele as well as ensuring that the finances of their clients are well taken care off and wisely invested. The bank realizes that the best way to market it, is by keeping its clients happy and in that way, they retain their clients as well as get more. The bank uses, among other tools, a sustainability management system that aids in the implementation of their sustainability strategy as well as help manage eco-efficiency measures effectively. The system, has been designed to collect all relevant consumption figures in aadatabase that is global so that the bank may conduct an analysis of the data and identify potential optimization(Backhaus, 2014). This sustainability management system aims at improving the functioning as well ensuring the sustainability of all the departments of the bank. Audits conducted regularly have indicated that since the introduction of the sustainability programmer in 1999, the bank has steadily improved in its sustainability performance. With the knowledge of the sustainability management progr am applied by the bank, it is important to realize that marketing in the bank is one of the area that have been boosted by this program(Backhaus, 2014). An example is when the bank introduces a new product to the market like the autobahn app market. Many people, while dealing with matters concerning their finances, are often reluctant to embrace new things or try new products as they do not want to gamble with their finances. The responsibility of the banks marketing team in such a situation is to package the app in a way that every client who banks at Deutsche wants to be able to be part of the new product, while fresh clients are signing up. The secret behind the marketing is convincing the consumers of the product of its sustainability. The sustainability management program therefore comes in handy to help structure a product that will be sustainable in the market, even after it has been launched(Miltner, 2014). The moment the bank can convince its clients that the products they offer both as a bank and as a financial institution are sustainable, then the bank will have succeeded in its marketing. It has been agreed by various writers over time that the biggest burden for sustainability of management lies with the Management Board as it is the organ of the entity that sets policies and monitors their progress. Since the introduction of sustainable management, it is said that to date, approximately 14 trillion euros have been invested by various corporates globally following some sustainability criteria. For the bank to survive in the market therefore, they will have to keep getting more innovate and sustainable ways of notifying their clients of any new products they in the market. CONCLUSION The deutsche bank continually demonstrates its readiness to stay relevant in the financial markets by constantly introducing new products in the market and ensuring these products are sustainable. REFERENCE LIST Backhaus, D. (2014, May 13). Deutsche Bank Adds Financial Supply Chain Services to Autobahn App. Retrieved May 13, 2014, from Euro Treasury: Joel Wilsner, K.-C. T. (2009). Principles of Supply Chain Management. Amazon: CengageBrain. Kristofik, P. (2014). Finacial Supply Chain Mnagement- Challenges and Obstacles. ACRN Journal of Enterpreneurship Perspectives, 13-14. Lee, G. (2011, October 9). Treasury and Risk. Retrieved May 13, 2014, from The Future of Finance Today: Miltner, S. (2014, January 13). Deutsche Bank Responsibiltiy. Retrieved May 13, 2014, from Sustainable and Profitable-not a contradiction:
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Analysis Of Martin Luther King s I Have A Dream Speech,...
An individual’s duty to his/her government is to follow rules set in place by governing officials, voting for said officials to keep the popular ideals in rotation, provide service to their country in time of great need (war) and keeping the foundation of the government to meet the people’s needs. In turn, the government’s duty to it’s residing citizens is to create and hold a well-kept balance of the citizen’s three inalienable rights: right to life, right to liberty, and the right to the pursuit of happiness; as well as providing jobs for the working citizens of America. Evidence of these claims are found in these four works: The Declaration of Independence, The Declaration of Sentiments, Martin Luther King’s â€Å"I Have A Dream†speech, and Patrick Henry’s Speech to the Virginia Convention. In the Declaration of Independence, created by 5 and signed by 56 delegates of the United States government, it is written â€Å"We hol d these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. - That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, - That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers inShow MoreRelatedRastafarian79520 Words  | 319 PagesMexico City Mumbai Nairobi Sà £o Paulo Shanghai Taipei Tokyo Toronto Oxford is a registered trade mark of Oxford University Press in the UK and in certain other countries Copyright  © 2003 by Ennis Barrington Edmonds The moral rights of the authors have been asserted Database right Oxford University Press (maker) All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without the prior permission in writingRead MoreDeveloping Management Skills404131 Words  | 1617 Pagesbuilt-in pretests and posttests, focus on what you need to learn and to review in order to succeed. Visit to learn more. DEVELOPING MANAGEMENT SKILLS EIGHTH EDITION David A. Whetten BRIGHAM YOUNG UNIVERSITY Kim S. Cameron UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Prentice Hall Boston Columbus Indianapolis New York San Francisco Upper Saddle River Amsterdam Cape Town Dubai London Madrid Milan Munich Paris Montreal Toronto Delhi Mexico City Sao Paulo Sydney Hong Kong Seoul SingaporeRead MoreStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words  | 1573 Pageslikewise. To obtain permission(s) to use material from this work, please submit a written request to Pearson Education, Inc., Permissions Department, One Lake Street, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 07458, or you may fax your request to 201-236-3290. Many of the designations by manufacturers and sellers to distinguish their products are claimed as trademarks. Where those designations appear in this book, and the publisher was aware of a trademark claim, the designations have been printed in initial capsRead MoreOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Live s and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words  | 656 Pagesreferences. ISBN 978-1-4399-0269-1 (cloth : alk. paper)â€â€ISBN 978-1-4399-0270-7 (paper : alk. paper)â€â€ISBN 978-1-4399-0271-4 (electronic) 1. History, Modernâ€â€20th century. 2. Twentieth century. 3. Social historyâ€â€20th century. 4. World politicsâ€â€20th century. I. Adas, Michael, 1943– II. American Historical Association. D421.E77 2010 909.82â€â€dc22 2009052961 The paper used in this publication meets the requirements of the American National Standard for Information Sciencesâ€â€Permanence of Paper for Printed
Minicase San Pico Free Essays
San Pico is a rapidly growing Latin American developing country. The country is blessed with miles of scenic beaches that have attracted tourists by the thousands in recent years to new resort hotels financed by joint ventures of San Pico businessmen and moneymen from the Middle East, Japan, and the United States. Additionally, San Pico has good natural harbors that are conducive for receiving imported merchandise from abroad and exporting merchandise produced in San Pico and other surrounding countries that lack access to the sea. We will write a custom essay sample on Minicase San Pico or any similar topic only for you Order Now Because of these advantages, many new businesses are being started in San Pico. Presently, stock is traded in a cramped building in La Cobijio, the nation’s capital. Admittedly, the San Pico Stock Exchange system is rather archaic. Twice a day an official of the exchange will call out the name of each of the 43 companies whose stock trades on the exchange. Brokers wanting to buy or sell shares for their clients then attempt to make a trade with one another. This crowd trading system has worked well for over one hundred years, but the government desires to replace it with a new modern system that will allow greater and more frequent opportunities for trading in each company, and will allow for trading the shares of the many new start-up companies that are expected to trade in the secondary market. Additionally, the government administration is rapidly privatizing many state-owned businesses in an attempt to foster their efficiency, obtain foreign exchange from the sale, and convert the country to a more capitalist economy. The government believes that it would conduct this privatization faster and perhaps at more attractive prices if it had a modern stock exchange facility where the shares of the newly privatized companies will eventually trade. You are an expert in the operation of secondary stock markets and have been retained as a consultant to the San Pico Stock Exchange to offer your expertise in modernizing the stock market. What would you advise? Explain. Most new and renovated stock exchanges are being established these days as either a partially or fully automated trading system. A fully automated system is especially beneficial for a small to medium size country in which there is only moderate trading in most issues. Such a system that deserves special note is the continuous National Integrated Market system of New Zealand. This system is fully computerized and does not require a physical structure. Essentially all buyers and sellers of a stock enter through their broker into the computer system the number of shares they desire to buy or sell and their required transaction price. The system is updated constantly as new purchase or sale orders are entered into system. The computer constantly searches for a match between buyer and seller, and when one is found a transaction takes place. This type of system would likely serve San Pico’s needs very well. There is existing technology to implement, the bugs have been worked out in other countries, and it would satisfy all the demands of the demands of the San Pico government and easily accommodate growth in market activity MINI CASE: SARA LEE CORP. ’S EUROBONDS The International Finance in Practice boxed reading in the chapter discussed a three-year $100 million Eurobond issue by Sara Lee Corporation. The article also mentions other bond issues recently placed by various foreign divisions of Sara Lee. What thoughts do you have about Sara Lee’s debt financing strategy? Suggested Solution to Sara Lee Corp. ’s Eurobonds Sara Lee is the ideal candidate to issue Eurobonds. The company has worldwide name recognition, and it has an excellent credit rating that allows it to place new bond issues easily. By issuing dollar denominated Eurobonds to Swiss investors, Sara Lee can bring new issues to market much more quickly than if it sold domestic dollar denominated bonds. Moreover, the Eurodollar bonds likely sell at a lower yield than comparable domestic bonds. Additionally, it appears as if Sara Lee is raising funds in a variety of foreign currencies. Sara Lee most likely has large cash inflows in these same currencies that can be used to meet the debt service obligations on these bond issues. Thus Sara Lee is finding a use for some of its foreign currency receipts and does not have to be concerned with the exchange rate uncertainty of these part of its foreign cash inflows. How to cite Minicase San Pico, Papers
Sunday, April 26, 2020
Which are the most common uses of the Internet now Essays
Which are the most common uses of the Internet nowadays? The Internet can be used to collect information from around the world. This information could relate to education, literature, computer, business and entertainment. People can connect with their friends on social networks. They can have a chat using sites like Facebook and share pictures with others. A major use of the Internet is for entertainment. You can watch every movie and TV series you desire and enjoy your favorite music whenever you want. Are there any negatives points in people using the Internet? The Internet can become a serious addiction especially to younger ages. Spending too much time on social networks and playing online games, make students to neglect their homework and loose concentration. Extended use of the Internet could lead to isolation and make its users apathetic, something that causes melancholy and depression. Information from the Internet cannot always be considered reliable because anyone can post a news story that hasn't been filtered beforehand. How has technology improved our lives? The impact of technology can be seen in every aspect of human life including education, health and communication. The Internet particularly gave the opportunity to the people to be connected with their families and friends. Companies also benefited, expanding their business to new markets and cut their costs. Information sources for research today are available to students through smartphones and tablets. On the other hand, we have been depended on technology is such degree that we cannot see its disadvantages like cybercrime and the use of robots instead of humans in many jobs.
Wednesday, March 18, 2020
Leadership Approach essay
Leadership Approach essay Leadership Approach essay Leadership Approach essayFor all professionals working in criminal justice, ethics and moral qualities play a very important role. Law is directly interrelated with ethics, and the presence of ethical principles is necessary for proper interactions with criminals and innocent people, for decision-making and interpreting the law, for resolving moral dilemmas and ambiguous questions. There are specific ethical challenges and specific skills required for different criminal justice professions. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the key challenges aced by a police chief or a county sheriff in a large city, to consider key skills required for such criminal justice professionals, to explain the role of ethics, character and virtue for a police chief in a large city, to predict the role of ethical decision-making in the future of the criminal justice profession and to generate recommendations regarding the use of ethics for improving decision-making in criminal justice.Primary challeng es of a police chief in a large cityAccording to Rainguet and Dodge (2001), one of the key challenges in the work of a police chief in a large city is the presence of personnel-related issues. These issues were named among the causes of leaving the position of a police chief by 40% of respondents (Rainguet and Dodge, 2001). Key personnel-related issues include the lack of integrity among employees, unethical behavior, corruption and issues related to disciplinary actions. Human resource challenges might create significant challenges for a police chief or a county sheriff in a large city.Another notable source of challenges for police chiefs and the cause of police chief resignation is the presence of political difficulties (Rainguet and Dodge, 2001). Political difficulties named by the participants of the study included the lack of support from supervisors and city officials, micromanagement, financial constraints and budget cuts, limited resources, short timelines and strict requir ements (Rainguet and Dodge, 2001). The lack of support from political leaders was also noted as an important challenge. Overall, more than 70% of participants named political challenges as a reason for departure (Rainguet and Dodge, 2001).Third major challenge for police chiefs in large cities is maintaining the balance between addressing existing operational priorities and foreseeing future community needs. Chiefs from large police departments emphasize the importance of monitoring the community, forecasting its needs and addressing potential problems (Kitzman Stanard, 1999); at the same time, police chiefs should ensure that major operational priorities such as detecting and preventing crimes, protecting the life and property of citizens are kept in focus.Key skills required of a police chief in a large cityAccording to the study of Krimmel Lindenmuth (2001), the skill that strongly correlates with the performance of a police chief is leadership, closely interrelated with accoun tability. It is notable that the majority of respondents who demonstrated outstanding leadership qualities were groomed for leadership and completed FBINA (Krimmel Lindenmuth, 2001). Such manifestations of leadership as serving as a role model for other police officers, leading by example, providing guidance and treating others with dignity and respect were identified as especially important for police chiefs in large departments (Kitzman Stanard, 1999).One more essential skill for police chiefs is communication. Kitzman Stanard (1999) found out that police chiefs in the departments of all sizes found it important to be able to share information with subordinates in an efficient way, to establish contacts with other agencies and coordinate joint activities. Furthermore, the third essential skill for a police chief is management (Kitzman Stanard, 1999): police chiefs need to manage the resources of the department, solve human resource issues, perform budgeting functions, monitor operations and adjust the goals and objectives of the department.The role of ethics, virtue and character for a police chief in a large cityThe analysis of major challenges in the work of a police chief and key skills required of a police chief in a large city shows that ethics, character and virtues are essential for a police chief in order to be efficient. Indeed, a police chief needs to demonstrate integrity, ethical decision-making and strong moral values in order to serve as the role model for other officers, to resolve human resource issues and to lead by example. A police chief should also demonstrate such virtues as loyalty and justice in order to be the example leader of the department.Furthermore, communications of a police chief also require strong ethical background since a police chief might need to address political challenges, resolve conflicts and ethical issues within the department, etc. Managerial functions performed by a police chief should be backed up by an eth ical framework and moral obligations; otherwise, the police chief might be vulnerable to corruption and similar challenges, and will be unable to perform the essential functions. Therefore, all key skills of a police chief require the presence of moral values, integrity and ethical decision-making.The impact of ethical decision-making on the criminal justice profession in the futureIn the future, the role of ethics and ethical decision-making in the criminal justice profession will continue to increase. First of all, the development of information technology and the ease of sharing information will make the actions of all criminal justice professionals more public (Pollock, 2011), so criminal justice professionals will have to demonstrate accountability and leadership to the public during all operations.Secondly, the interrelatedness of social institutions is also increasing, and it is likely that the level of interaction between criminal justice professionals and the representative s of other social institutions will increase (Cordner, 2013). In the context of the anticipated cooperation and collaboration, criminal justice professionals should ensure that key goals of the criminal justice system such as protecting the lives of citizens, their property, detecting and preventing crime are pursued. Criminal justice professionals will have to face more ethical dilemmas regarding the distribution of resources, information sharing and trust. In this context, criminal justice professionals will often have to rely on ethical decision-making to make proper choices. Therefore, it is reasonable to expect that the role of ethics and ethical decision-making in criminal justice will increase in the future.Using ethics to improve decision-makingIt is possible to develop several recommendations for using ethics to improve decision-making in criminal justice. The first and foremost recommendation is to develop a written Code of Ethics at the city or county level and at the dep artmental level. The Code of Ethics should include standards of acceptable conduct and measures of unacceptable conduct. The Code of Ethics can be used for resolving ethically ambiguous situations and for making ethically justified decisions. The presence of a unified written Code of Ethics used as an ethical standard will greatly improve the quality of ethical decision-making in ambiguous situations.Secondly, it is recommended to introduce ethics training for criminal justice professionals. Ethics training should incorporate many practical situations where moral dilemmas emerge, and it is important that criminal justice professionals practice ethical decision-making on real-life examples. Training sessions will improve the skills of ethical decision-making and increase the quality of decisions made by the criminal justice professionals.
Monday, March 2, 2020
6 summer job opportunities for teachers -TheJobNetwork
6 summer job opportunities for teachers -TheJobNetwork One of the perks of committing your life to the noble profession of teaching is the prospect of a summer off. Yet, many new teachers soon learn that not working during July and August isn’t financially possible. Others just get bored and crave the daily stimulation that comes with holding down a job. No matter what your reason is for taking on summer work, there are quite a few jobs that take advantage of the teaching skills you put to use from September through June. 1. TutorTutoring is probably the most obvious after-school job for teachers; in fact, you might even already provide after-school tutoring sessions for your students. One-on-one instruction can also provide a welcome alternative to the September–June routine if you decide to tutor in a subject different from the one you usually teach. Tutoring tends to pay very well- in the range of $30 to $100 per hour.2. ESL teacherIf you are a foreign language teacher or a multilingual English teacher, a job teaching En glish as a Second Language may be a good fit for you. Like tutoring positions, ESL jobs tend to be one-on-one situations, giving you a break from the difficulties of managing an entire class. You’d also be performing a very valuable service by helping someone communicate better in a country that is still dominantly English-speaking. Part-time ESL teachers tend to make up to $24 per hour.3. Test-prep teacherMost American students are expected to perform well on standardized tests such as the SAT or ACT in order to progress through the educational system. While the classroom is becoming more and more geared toward preparing students for such tests, most students still do the majority of their test prep outside of normal class hours.Since summer is the ideal time for students to get ready for the tests they are required to take, it is also the ideal time for teachers to lead such classes. Instructors for companies such as Kaplan earn about $24 per hour.4. Summer learning program teacherFor many kids, summer learning loss can be a real problem- students forget what they learned during the school year while taking it easy over a long vacation. Summer learning programs can help reduce learning loss by keeping kids in the swing of using their brains. Companies such as Catapult Learning are dedicated to keeping the educational ball rolling during summer months, and they need teachers like you to do the job. The pay is competitive, too- teachers can even earn up to $1,000 a week, depending on the program and subject.5. Camp counselorSo we’ve been focusing a lot on teaching here, but maybe you just need a break from that kind of work for a couple of months a year. Fair enough. You can still take advantage of your ability to communicate with and organize kids as a camp counselor. The activities you plan and perform in the great outdoors may be the perfect alternative to teaching in a cramped classroom during the chillier months. The average camp counselor o nly makes $230 per week, but that figure rises to $310 for head counselors.6. Tour guideLike counseling campers, guiding tours is in the vicinity of teaching without duplicating the work you have to do most of the year. The outdoor parks or sites and museum environments in which tour guides work provide a pleasant break from the typical classroom, yet you’d still be addressing and instructing groups of people. Since there is a wide variety in the kinds of places through which you might guide a tour, there is wide variation in how much you could get paid as a tour guide. The average ranges from $50–$150 per day, which can be a nice supplement to your usual teaching salary.
Saturday, February 15, 2020
Emotionally Intelligent leaders and their Impact on Followers Essay
Emotionally Intelligent leaders and their Impact on Followers - Essay Example Emotional intelligence comes closest to servant leadership style of management. A servant leader listens to his employees, takes feedback from them and looks to improve the overall conditions of the workplace. There is no blame put on individual employees and all the followers share work responsibility. Emotional intelligence can be measured by looking at the environment of the workplace. Based on the discussion above, a leader should be self-aware of himself and his employees. He should work for the benefit of his people. This would be evident from the response of people. If the leader is understanding, motivating and is trying to develop the social skills of his people then they will be happy. They will show more commitment towards work and the whole organization will prosper together. It is evident that employees prefer to work with emotionally intelligent leaders and they give their best efforts under him. In conclusion, emotional intelligence has great benefits for a leader as well as for employees. A leader knows what his followers want and try to make it available in the best possible way. There is peace as the leader is understanding and cooperative. The employees’ benefit as the leader constantly motivates them. They have a realistic goal to achieve which also seems fair to them. More importantly, they well recognized because the leader tries to listen to them by taking their feedback. This attribute in leaders helps to achieve company’s goals in less time as the employees feel contented to work.
Sunday, February 2, 2020
Job Satisfaction Ratings Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Job Satisfaction Ratings - Essay Example His innovative ideas have shaped the music and film-making industries (The trouble, 2008). As an innovative leader, he reportedly co-invented 103 inventions (e.g. Ipod interface) patented by Apple (The trouble, 2008). Steve Jobs has a vision and goals for the company and pursues them until they are realized. He applies a hands-on approach to management (The trouble, 2008). He has such a magnetic influence in the business circle that his presence in Apple affects the market value of the company. As a person, he can be viewed as persistent and determined on his goals that despite his previous unpleasant experience with Apple (removed from the company), he did not allow that experience affect him but instead, upon his return to Apple, he transformed it into a billion dollar venture with new product line-up. His leadership approach of working with more than a hundred employees (out of 25,000) from the cross-section of the organization for key ideas (Steve Jobs speaks, 2008) is a manifestation of a democratic or participative leadership (Leadership styles, 2009). These ideas are passed around for their comments and inputs wherein all angles of the ideas are explored and debated upon (Steve Jobs speaks, 2008). He can also be classified as a transformational leader that inspires his team to share his vision and sought out initiatives that can add a new value or input (Leadership styles, 2009). His infectious vision for innovation is shown with iPhone wherein he told his team to throw away what it was doing the previous year, start all over and work harder that caused his subordinates to rally behind him and sign them up for the new project (Steve Jobs speaks, 2008). Taylor (2009) characterizes him to belong to the Great Man Theory of Leadership because of his â€Å"CEO-centric model of ex ecutive power†which is archaic and inapplicable in the current state of business (para.
Saturday, January 25, 2020
Using the Strengths-Based Model for Social Work Practice Essay
Utilizing strengths based perspective with clients enables social workers to focus on the client and family strengths and abilities instead of focusing on the client and family’s problems, bad behaviors and pathologies. The strengths based perspective applies six principles that guide the social worker professional in assisting client’s with the strengths based model; we all have areas of strength, but sometimes it takes an unbiased third party to notice and help others clearly see what they are capable of achieving, even in the midst of their crisis. Every Individual, Group, Family and Community Has Strengths Weick (1992) states â€Å"every person has an inherent power that may be characterized as life force, transformational capacity, life energy, spirituality, regenerative potential, and healing power, which is a potent form of knowledge that can guide personal and social transformation†(p. 24). No matter the crisis or oppression, it needs to be brought to client’s realization that they are strong, resilient and can overcome. They may not be aware of this inner power due to the constant stress and overwhelming sense of impending doom in their lives, but with the help of the strengths perspective, we can assist clients in realizing that they have strengths as well as weaknesses. Clients want to know that they can rely on social workers to provide adequate resources and respect their current situation, no matter how difficult it may be. Clients want to know that we can empathize with their situation and provide support, care and concern for the issues they are going through ; they need to know that we will help them achieve their goals and not give up on them as many may have before in their lives. Saleeby (2013) states â€Å"your cli... ...rk-practice in an urban context: The potential of a capacity-enhancement perspective. New York: Oxford University Press Epstein, M.H. & Sharma, J.M. (1998). Behavioral and emotional rating scale: A strength-based approach to assessment. Texas: Pro-Ed. Kaplan , L. & Girard, J. (1994). Strengthening high risk families. New York: Lexington Books. Kisthardt, W. (1992). A strengths model of case management: The principles and functions of a helping partnership with persons with persistent mental illness. New York: Longman. Saleeby, D. (2013). The strengths perspective in social work practice. New Jersey: Pearson Education Inc. Weick, A. (1992). Building a strengths perspective for social work. New York: Longman. Weick, A., Rapp, C., Sullivan, W.P. and Kisthardt, W. (1989). A strengths perspective for social work practice. Social Work, 34(4), 350-354.
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Implement Person-Centred Approaches in Health and Social Care Essay
1. Understand person-centred approaches for care and support. 1.1 Define person-centred values. The underlying purpose of â€Å"Person-centred values†is to ensure that the individual needing care is placed at the very centre of the decision making process about their life, the services and support they want and need. 1.2 Explain why it is important to work in a way that embeds person-centred values. Under this strict system of person-centred values, the person is always placed at the very centre of the planning of the care programme required, in that they will always be consulted and that their views will always come first. Therefore the plan is tailor-made to that particular person, and it should include all aspects of care, from the Social and Health Services, from that individual’s family and from the voluntary sector. This is the current policy and it applies to those people with learning disabilities, mental health problems, and physical disabilities, to older people who need support, and to young people making their transition to adulthood. To place the person at the centre, certain values must be upheld; Individuality – everyone’s differences must be recognised and respected. Choice – for individuals to be able to make own choices and be in control of own life. Privacy – information and activities must be kept confidential. Independence – empowering individuals to do activities for themselves and Dignity – to be treated in a respectful way. It is vital for the social care worker to work using these precise methods to establish the needs and wishes of the individual. This will also mean that individuals will feel empowered and in control of their lives, be more confident about making decisions and will feel valued and respected. 1.3 Explain why risk-taking can be part of a person centred approach. The person-centred approach to risk includes making an assessment with the people involved in the plan such as the individual, their relatives and other professionals. Risk taking is part of a person-centred approach as this empowers individuals to have choices about what they want to do in their lives as well as to be part of their community. Not allowing individuals to take risks can have a negative impact on an individual’s life to not live it as they wish. 1.4 Explain how using an individuals care plan contributes to working in a person-centred way. To be person-centred the person must always be at the centre of their care plan. This means that individuals must always be consulted and their views must always come first. Therefore, no two care plans are alike because each individual is different from another. Each individual should be involved at every stage of their care plan, from deciding who to involve, how to meet the individual’s needs, the support required and how to feedback on how the care plan is working. 2. Be able to work in a person-centred way. 2.1 Find out the history, preferences, wishes and needs of the individual. 2.2 Apply person-centred values in day to day work, taking into account the history, preferences, wishes and needs of the individual. The learner went into the office to read the care plan, risk assessment and the communication preferences for the service user they were going to support. They closed the office door behind them and also checked the information about the signs the service user uses with their senior in private in the office, who showed them the current signs and their meanings for this service user as well as the signs they will tend to use whilst being hoisted. They then explained that they could not verbally communicate and that it was important that their permission was given before they started to hoist. Everyone has different ways of communicating, so it is important that they observe the service user and understands the signals they give. The learner knelt down beside the service user, gently spoke to him, maintaining eye contact with him and explained that th ey were going to hoist him into his wheelchair and take him to his bedroom. Asked him this in his room, the door was closed and the TV was switched off. The learner took their time, showing excellent communication skills, and although the client could not verbally agree he indicated that he was ready and willing by nodding his head. The learner nodded her head in agreement and observed the service user do the same again in confirmation. M said that if there was a conflict she would have asked her manager to assist. She added the important thing was for her client not to be put at any risk, and for his independence to be maintained by encouragement and to conform to the care plan, a conflict could put the client at risk†¦ The immediate area was cleared of trailing covers to give adequate space. M followed the care plan and made sure the chair and hoist were in the correct position, with the brakes on, then using the correct method the sling was put into place and a cushion was placed under the service user’s feet to stop any discomfort. M spoke to him the whole time, reassuring and confirming he was comfortable and that he understood what was happening. She used a mix of verbal communication including clear and short words, spoken in a gentle and calm tone and signing which the service user was comfortable with†¦M observed his signs checking that he was in agreement with everything that was happening, he confirmed he was. M recorded in the care plan in a confidential manner at the end of the routine, in the office in private, the time and when the client was due to be next moved and detailed the support provided as well as the communication methods used with the service user The next thing M talked through with her manager was a person centred planning meeting that M had attended to review a service user that had been coming downstairs at night and eating other service users’ food. They agreed that the meeting had been very worthwhile as the care manager had been present and they agreed the service user had been frustrated due to his communication problems and so it was difficult for staff to know what he wanted. Now that this service user was purchasing his own food and had consented to this and was eating this in his room this had made a lot of difference said M. They talked about how a meeting with the psychiatrist was refused by the service user, but how staff feel that his behaviour is getting a lot better and all the team will continue to monitor this. M said that she had been working with this service user this morning and that he had been shouting but how she now feels that by giving him more time and talking through what he would like to do daily has helped him to control his behaviour†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ 3. Be able to establish consent when providing care or support. 3.1 Explain the importance of establishing consent when providing care or support. It is always very important to establish the consent of the individual when providing any care or support programme or procedure. This is essential so as to include that individual with any decision-making, in order to ensure that they do not feel left out or ignored. In this way they can understand and agree to that element of their care or support. I would discuss the problem that consent cannot be established, with the supervisor or manager of the home, and, if necessary, the individual’s doctor and advocate. I would also make a record of this, which I would sign and date. 3.2 Establish consent for an activity or action. 3.3 Explain what steps to take if consent cannot readily be established. 4. Be able to encourage active participation. 4.1 Describe how active participation benefits an individual. Active participation benefits the individual because that person is always made to feel that they are continually important, and that things are done for their benefit, with their consent. This ensures a positive approach for the individual that makes them an active part of how they choose to live and puts them first as the focus. 4.2 Identify possible barriers to active participation. Barriers can take several forms; the emotions, the disabilities, and the attitudes of the individual concerned. Any or all of which can deter active participation by that individual in any activity or action. Similarly barriers exist if social care workers’ attitudes and approaches do not value active participation, strict routines and lack of training on using the active participation approach can also be barriers. 4.3 Demonstrate ways to reduce the barriers and encourage active participation. Observed in shown work. 5. Be able to support the individual’s right to make choices. 5.1 Support an individual to make informed choices. 5.2 Use agreed risk-assessment processes to support the right to make choices. 5.3 Explain why a worker’s personal views should not influence an individual’s choices. The care worker’s personal views may simply rule things out for the individual being cared for, because the worker might take a subjective position rather than looking to find creative solutions for that individual. Such a stance could prevent the individual from making informed choices about their care. Therefore, personal views should never influence the choices of any individual this also goes against their rights and can make an individual feel pressurised to agree. 5.4 Describe how to support an individual to question or challenge decisions concerning them that are made by others. When others make decisions for the individual, the care worker should talk to the individual to ask that person whether they understand what has been decided for them. Once the individual understands those decisions, they should be encouraged to state whether they agree with them. If not, then that individual should be enabled to question and challenge them either themselves, through the social care worker or an advocate. 6. Be able to promote individuals wellbeing. 6.1 Explain how individual identify and self-esteem are linked with wellbeing. Maintaining an individual’s identity is done by always recognising that person as a human being, not a number. Identity is who the person is. Ensuring that the individual is important and that their views and concerns are always dealt with in a positive and caring manner will always ensure that person is valued and has a high self-esteem. All this will contribute to their sense of well-being. 6.2 Describe attitudes and approaches that are likely to promote an individual’s wellbeing. By always ensuring that the individual is treated in a professional, kind, caring and courteous way, their sense of well-being is always assured. Care workers can also make sure that they use a number of different approaches; empowering approaches that enable the individual to take control, a positive approach that encourages the individual to feel good. Working in a trusting and professional way enables a good relationship to build between the care worker and individual and promoting a sense of well-being. 6.3 Support an individual in a way that promotes a sense of identity and self-esteem. 6.4 Demonstrate ways to contribute to an environment that promotes well-being. Observed in shown work.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
Should Cloning Be Allowed - 872 Words
Though many have agreed that cloning should not be further researched there are still those who believe otherwise. Why exactly do people believe that research on human cloning should be allowed? A significant reason is that cloned embryos are believed to be a necessity for research on embryonic stem cells that have proven to have the potential to revolutionize medicine worldwide. â€Å"Scientists believe that cloned embryonic stem cell research will lead to cures for many diseases and will provide tissues and organs for transplant and treatment of degenerative conditions.†(Lauritzen) Although most scientists are nearly unified in their opposition to cloning humans for reproductive purposes (Klotzko pg. 120), on-going research towards other goals makes it difficult for most to oppose the research. This is because research done on therapeutic cloning is directed and motivated by the anticipation that cloning technology will have compelling health benefits to many. Cloning is h oped to possibly lead to transplant therapies with the assistance of cloned embryonic stem cells that are altered and modified to individual patients using their own DNA. If methods of therapeutic cloning using the cloned embryos are found to be successful, then organs could become available to those who are terminally ill or just ill, using these perfectly matched and harvested cloned organs. Cloned embryos could provide genetically perfect tissues and organs that could save countless lives and evenShow MoreRelatedShould Cloning Be Allowed?1154 Words  | 5 Pages Should cloning be allowed? By Arichelieu Obei English IV Mr.Wilson Period 4th 3/14/2017 Well to begin with, what is cloning? Is cloning even real? Is it a thing? Do people clone people? Or animal? Is that even possible? Are clones robot or humans? Do they have a heart? Can they think like us normal people? Can they reproduce? And make baby clones? Are they allowed to have the same rights as us? What’s the cost of a clone? Is it expensive? Can IRead MoreShould Cloning Be Allowed?1440 Words  | 6 Pageshuman cloning is becoming a feasible practice. Recently there has been a successful cloning of a sheep, so scientists start to speculate the different uses of cloning human embryos. The three forms of cloning that stand out are reproductive cloning, therapeutic cloning, and cloning for scientific research. Cloning should be permitted, but only reproductive cloning should be permitted with a limit on the number of babies a person or family can reproduce. The arguments that support cloning dependRead MoreElderly Drivers833 Words  | 4 Pages2. There has been talk about banning elderly driving off the road in recent years. Some people suggest that the elderly should reapply for driving licenses. Elderly driver usually have loss of hearing, diminished vision, and slower reaction time. Elderly driver should reapply for driver’s license once they grow old because accidents and fatalities could be reduced by two folds. Since many of the accidents come from elderly drivers, fewer accidents would likely happen at all. There are certainRead More Cloning Essay1224 Words  | 5 Pages Should Human Cloning be Legal? nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Cloning captured the public’s attention when Scottish scientists startled the world in July of 1996 when they announced the birth of a sheep named Dolly which they had cloned from the nucleus of an adult mammary cell and a sheep egg. Ever since this spectacular event occurred people have been thinking about the possibility of cloning humans. WhatRead MoreThe Cloning of Humans1398 Words  | 6 PagesYou can’t will a maxim where there is a diminishment of human dignity. Cloning humans with identical genetic makeup to act as organ donors for each other is a diminishment of human dignity. Therefore, cloning of humans is immoral. Human cloning is a practice which includes taking an egg from a human female, removing the nucleus, substituting it with the genetic material from the nucleus of another adult cell, and using electric shock or chemical bath to hoax the egg into thinking it has beenRead MoreEssay on Cloning: How Far Should We Go?627 Words  | 3 Pagesmany: should human cloning be a part of our society? Recently the ability to clone a human being has become a very realistic possibility. However, the issue of morality has taken center stage on this topic. A Gallup poll taken in 1997 revealed eighty-eight percent of Americans stated, cloning human beings would be morally wrong (Dudley 10). Some people, such as scientists in this field and certain infertile couples, are arguing against banning cloning. However, human cloning should be bannedRead MoreHuman Cloning And Its Legality1347 Words  | 6 PagesHuman cloning is the creation of genetically identical or modified copy of a human. Human cloning is the reproduction of human cells and tissue. The possibility of human cloning has raised complications. These ethical concerns have provoked several nations to pass laws regarding human cloning and its legality. The common types of cloning is Gene cloning, reproductive cloning, and therapeutic cloning. Gene cloning is the process in which a gene is located and copied out of DNA extractedRead MoreThe term cloning describes a number of different processes that can be used to produce genetically900 Words  | 4 PagesThe term cloning describes a number of different processes that can be used to produce genetically identical copies of a biological entity. The copied material, which has the same genetic makeup as the original, is referred to as a clone. Cloning is a very controversial theme now in days that’s everybody should be informed about it. The majority of the people doesn’t know anything about the subject and do not have the knowledge to make an opinion about it. Cloning animals may be very helpful forRead More Human Cloning Should be Condemned Essays594 Words  | 3 Pages Human Cloning Should be Condemned nbsp; On November 25, 2001, the news that a firm called Advanced Cell Technology had created human embryos by cloning added new urgency to Congresss and the nations deliberations on this issue. nbsp; This past summer, by a 265-to-162 margin, the House of Representatives passed a carefully worded ban on human cloning (H.R. 2505) which President Bush has said he will sign into law. The leadership of the Senate nonetheless has refused to take actionRead MoreThe Shortcomings of Cloning1152 Words  | 5 Pages Did you know that every living creature starts as a cell (Barber, 9)? That is where cloning begins as well, with a singular cell, more specifically a DNA cell. A clone is an organism that is an exact genetic copy of another organism (Barber, 6). Francis Crick and James Watson discovered that DNA is made up of two strands, called a double helix (Barber, 9). Maurice Wilkins, James Watson, and Francis Crick won the 1962 Nobel Peace Prize for their DNA work. There are approximately 3 billion DNA base
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