Friday, November 29, 2019
Business Law-Review Case free essay sample
An applicant for an order under that section must satisfy the Court: (a) that he has a good cause of action and (b) that the defendant with intent to obstruct or delay the execution of any judgment has removed or is about to remove or has concealed or is concealing or making away with or handing over to others any of his movable or immovable property but there was not a piece of evidence on oath that proved this two circumstances. We will go through the reason of the judgment on the next sheet. 4.The reasons for the judgment (ratio decidendi) As stated by Thomson CJ the main reason for the judgment is it’s not fulfill Sections 19 Debtors Ordinance as that was the only provision of the law enabling such an attachment. We know obviously, to fulfill the sections, the respondent have to satisfy the Court by evidence on oath of two things. We will write a custom essay sample on Business Law-Review Case or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page First, he (Schmidt) has to prove to court that he has a good cause of action. In this case, there is not a scrap of evidence on oath that Kepong Prospecting has any cause of action at all.It is irrelevant to speculate as to what the position would have been had the proceedings been commenced. This may appear to be a somewhat technical and cursory way of disposing of the point. The judge does not wish to appear to be unduly technical as they were agree with the appellant company’s lawyer this requirement is sufficiently fulfilled if the applicant satisfies the Court of the existence of facts from which the inference should be drawn that there has been the required intent. But, they failed to do so.Secondly, respondent’s (Schmidt) has to provide evidence to court that the appellant company (Kepong Prospecting) purposely obstruct or delay the execution of any judgment made by court. In this case, there is no question of concealing property or anything of that sort as Kepong Prospecting freely confessed that their company has handed a great deal of its property over to others, in that it has handed over a great deal of its money over to its shareholders who are of course different persons from itself.The real issue here is did respondent’s (Schmidt) had any evidence on oath that the handing over made by appellant company (Kepong Prospecting) was done with intent to impede or delay any judgment the respondent’s might obtain. There is nothing whatever to show that the companies have altered their course of business by reason of the present proceedings, there is nothing to show that they have done anything they were not in the way of doing before and irrespective of the respondents (Schmidt) claim.All that has been shown is that they have not specifically put aside a sum of money against the eventuality that claim may succeed, a point on which they ha ve most probably taken professional advice, and it would be wrong to say that there was any obligation upon them to do so, far less that failure to do so would make out the sort of intention that the section requires.These decision made based on Sir Norman Macleod quote in the case of Nowroji Pudumjee Siradar v The Deccan Bank Ltd ILR 45 Bom 1256, 1258, AIR 1921 Bom 69 in considering a similar provision in the law of India that are: â€Å"A man is not debarred from dealing with his property because a suit has been filed against him. Otherwise, in every case in which a suit is brought against a man, if during the pendency of the proceedings he sells some of his property, that would be at once a sufficient ground to satisfy the Court that he is disposing of his property with intent to defraud the plaintiff.Clearly there must be additional circumstances before the Court can be satisfied that such an intention exists. †Apparently, the appellant company (Kepong Prospecting) did not hide or sells its property that can be declared as intend to obstruct the judgment made by court. Respondent’s (Schmidt) also failed to prove the two conditions that lay under Section 19, Debtors Ordinance. 5. Our comments or opinion on the decisionBefore we discuss about our opinion on the decision of this case, we would like to discuss certain things that we found in this case. There are: I. There are no agreements that stated Kepong Prospecting Ltd had to pay certain money to Schmidt although Schmidt is a consulting engineer for them. II. Although Kepong Prospecting Ltd distributes their money to the shareholders on the big sum, it doesn’t mean that they did not want to pay Schmidt for the consulting.There is no evidence on that and Schmidt claim was unreasonable. III. Schmidt took out summons in chambers issued ex parte against Kepong Prospecting Ltd to seize the amount of $180,000 in the United Oversea Bank and Bank of Canton on two reasons, first, there is a petition had been presented in Singapore Court for compulsory winding up of Kepong Prospecting Limited and the second reason is Kepong Prospecting Ltd had been distributing greater part of its dividends o the shareholders, that Schmidt felt that they intent not to pay him. IV. Schmidt thoughts are not an evidence for court. The petition that he claimed was later withdrawn and he did not prove the second reason. Kepong Prospecting did not deny what Schmidt said however they claim that they have never at any time intent to obstruct or delay the judgment. They said the company had cash on hand amounting $458,000 which is more than the money seized by Schmidt claim. Obviously, those things make we say that Schmidt claim was awkward.In our opinion, we totally agree with the decision of this case made by Thomson CJJ because it’s not fulfilling the section required that they used. Section 19, Debtors Ordinance as we discussed before require two conditions, he has good cause of action and Kepong Prospecting Ltd with intent to obstruct or delay the execution of any judgment. As we all observe through this case, we found that the respondent (Schmidt) had failed to attest the two conditions to satisfy the court. He has to prove how is that he had a good cause of action?What is the good cause of action? None of these questions is being answered. Besides that, there are no such agreement can related to the respondent’s (Schmidt) claim. He just a consulting engineer for Kepong Prospecting Ltd. and that doesn’t mean that he is entitled to the tribute that Kepong Prospecting Ltd gets through their land. Finally, we fell glad that we could review this case as it’s not easy as we thought. We enjoy review this case as we get a lot of knowledge through that.
Monday, November 25, 2019
Free Essays on Medical Cut-Backs
Medical Cut-Backs Circumcision is one of the largest wide spread debates going on across our Nation and our world. Circumcision’s increased popularity over the last one hundred years in the United States is due more to medical greed and medical ignorance, than to medical necessity. Many people across the United States have been miss-lead to believe for over one hundred years that being circumcised is for some reason cleaner and healthier than not being circumcised. This is the leading myth about circumcision across America. I have found that most people actually think that it is gross and dirty to be uncircumcised. This is a deranged accusation however, we cannot blame people for thinking this way because that is what they have been taught for years and that is what their parents were taught and so on. This myth does have a root, it is in Dr. Kellog’s preaching in the 1880’s against masturbation, using circumcision as a means to the end (Joannides 533). Masturbation was a horror to those who lived in these Victorian times (Grossman 100). Dr. Kellog, the founder of the Kellog’s company was a fanatic against masturbation and he preached that having the foreskin of a young boy’s penis removed would lead to less temptation for them to play with themselves which was considered impure, or unclean. This is what lead to the rumor and miss belief that being clean meant circumcision. However, there really is no validity in being circumcised, it is not the truth to say that it is cleanest to be circumcised. So why are so many people circumcised? I believe it is due to medical greed among the medical community and medical ignorance among the rest of us who give over our sons for this becomingly routine procedure. After all it was preached to our grandparents buy their parents and to our parents by our grandparents and the custom has become so redundant in the United States, why would anyone question its validity now? Howe... Free Essays on Medical Cut-Backs Free Essays on Medical Cut-Backs Medical Cut-Backs Circumcision is one of the largest wide spread debates going on across our Nation and our world. Circumcision’s increased popularity over the last one hundred years in the United States is due more to medical greed and medical ignorance, than to medical necessity. Many people across the United States have been miss-lead to believe for over one hundred years that being circumcised is for some reason cleaner and healthier than not being circumcised. This is the leading myth about circumcision across America. I have found that most people actually think that it is gross and dirty to be uncircumcised. This is a deranged accusation however, we cannot blame people for thinking this way because that is what they have been taught for years and that is what their parents were taught and so on. This myth does have a root, it is in Dr. Kellog’s preaching in the 1880’s against masturbation, using circumcision as a means to the end (Joannides 533). Masturbation was a horror to those who lived in these Victorian times (Grossman 100). Dr. Kellog, the founder of the Kellog’s company was a fanatic against masturbation and he preached that having the foreskin of a young boy’s penis removed would lead to less temptation for them to play with themselves which was considered impure, or unclean. This is what lead to the rumor and miss belief that being clean meant circumcision. However, there really is no validity in being circumcised, it is not the truth to say that it is cleanest to be circumcised. So why are so many people circumcised? I believe it is due to medical greed among the medical community and medical ignorance among the rest of us who give over our sons for this becomingly routine procedure. After all it was preached to our grandparents buy their parents and to our parents by our grandparents and the custom has become so redundant in the United States, why would anyone question its validity now? Howe...
Friday, November 22, 2019
International business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 3
International business - Essay Example For the purposes of this essay, I intend to open up a logging business in Brazil. I will need to present a lot of information about the Brazilian economy and the logging industry in order to feel comfortable that my investment in Brazil will return dividends, be sustainable, and jump through the various legal and regulatory hoops. Brazil is by far the largest country in South America, both in geographical size and in population. It is nearly half of all of South America, with very diverse physical characteristics, and a population of nearly 200 million. It is a democracy, but it is a young democracy, with institutions that are still developing and are still slightly vulnerable. The main language is Portuguese (not Spanish) and there are colonial ties to Portugal. The population is very diverse, with native people mixed with African people, mixed with European peoples. The political system is similar to that in the United States. The President is elected and is head of government and head of state and appoints his cabinet. The current President Luiz Inà ¡cio Lula da Silva is a leftist, but he is also friendly to business. He has so far overseen a great deal of economic growth in the new millennium and also additional labour and environmental protections. The legal system in Brazil is based on civil law. The system is not very efficient and this is something to take into account when starting a business in Brazil. It can take years to resolve suits and enforce contracts. The tax system is also very difficult to navigate. According to one study it takes the typical Brazilian company 2,600 hours a year to comply with the tax code.1 These are important disincentives to investing in Brazil. I will have to spend extra money to find good accountants and lawyers to help me out. Starting a business is not always easy in Brazil, even if it is getting easier. A recent
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Strategy of international business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Strategy of international business - Essay Example Centralization happens when a company focuses the centralization of authority from the whole towards a particular group, which usually happens to be the top management since top management assumes the decision making authority. On the other hand, decision-making authority in a decentralized organization is passed over to the lower tiers that may be the organization’s branches, subsidiaries, or divisions. Advantages of centralization include uniformity of standards, reduction in the cost of operation, and increased profitability of business while disadvantages of centralization include conflict between the internal organizational culture and external culture, and the need of a very efficient IT-based system. Advantages of decentralization include increased competition whereas the disadvantages of decentralization include increased need of training and customization of employees’ skills. One advantage of centralization is uniformity of standards. Since the company has a centralized system, the product or service generated by the company has the same quality wherever it is made in the world. Another advantage of a centralized organizational structure of an international company is that it reduces the cost of operation in three fundamental ways. Firstly, the company is able to exploit the economies of scale. The international company can benefit from its products’ or services’ special pricing in numerous ways that include but are not limited to bulk pricing, single orders or multiple orders, and volume discounts. Secondly, in a centralized system, an international company escapes the need to duplicate the procedures or efforts to address the needs of branches in different parts of the world. Thirdly, centralization of the system reduces the regulatory costs. In addition to that, centralization promotes a culture of more consistency and accountability
Monday, November 18, 2019
Moral luck Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Moral luck - Essay Example Concepcion (2002) describes the "standard view of responsibility" whereby "it is unjust to hold a person morally responsible for that which she did not control. Agents deserve to be morally appraised or held liable only for that which they controlled" (455). The problem this poses is that at some level it can always be argued that a situation was outside of a person's control. There will invariably be some uncontrollable factor that, when joining the confluence of other factors over which a person did have control, it can be argued was the cause of any given scenario. For example, if a person driving a vehicle strikes a child who suddenly runs into the road, it might be argued that the person could have been paying closer attention and thereby braked sooner, or should have been driving more slowly. On the other hand it could be argued that a reasonable person under the circumstances could not have predicted the child running into the road, and therefore this was just bad luck and the driver should not be held responsible. This epitomizes the concept of moral luck. To what extend does a random, uncontrollable occurrence relieve a person of moral responsibility for a harm done Concepcion goes on to argue that accepting the standard view of responsibility "is tantamount t... never morally responsible, show that luck is not ubiquitous or at least that ubiquitous luck is not moral, or show that ascriptions of responsibility can retain justice despite the omnipresence of luck" (455). The implication is that it does not make sense to avoid assigning responsibility simply because luck played a role in the moral dilemma, since luck will virtually always be a factor to some degree. This would logically mean that nobody is ever morally responsible for anything. Paradox of Moral Luck and Moral Responsibility The paradox, as Thomas Nagel (1979) describes it, is that individual moral responsibility is possible even though luck is ubiquitous. We hold a person responsible for actions taken within a scenario he/she did not bring about. It is possible for a person to be morally blameworthy even though the bulk of the circumstances bringing about a scenario were entirely outside of that person's control. Degrees of control are virtually irrelevant, as proximate causation of uncontrollable variables fails to offer any relief from a person's moral responsibility for actions taken within any given situation. Consider the case of a soldier who voluntarily enlists in the U.S. Marine Corps in the hopes of being deployed in Iraq to fight in the war on terror. This person, after months of grueling patrols in Baghdad watching his fellow marines get killed by improvised explosive devices, decides to take revenge by entering the nearest civilian residence and shooting up the women and children inside. Then consider the kid who had his sights set on college but was instead drafted into the U.S. Army during the Vietnam War and becomes so worn down by the war and numbed to killing that he partakes in a massacre of civilians at Mai Lai. The former soldier chose to
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Agriculture In Ancient Mesopotamia
Agriculture In Ancient Mesopotamia Have you ever wondered once where and when agriculture was first practiced in this world and the methods used to develop it? First of all, agriculture, a bit similar to farming, is the occupation, the business, or the science of cultivating land, producing crops, raising livestock. The birth of agriculture was preceded by hunting and gathering which was the only way of surviving for the ancient occupants of the world. Civilization started in the Middle East of the blue planet and many discoveries have been made including agriculture which is one of the most important. Indeed agricultural activities in the Mesopotamian kingdom are dated back between 8000 BC and 6000 BC. The Ancient Mesopotamia was located in the Middle East, precisely on the Asian continent. The situation of the empire was also part of the agricultural development. It consisted of two principal seas such as the Euphrates and the Tigris and was surrounded by many vast seas where they could draw water for additional sup ply. Despite the arid climate and scarcity of rains in Mesopotamia, they made use of irrigation as principal method to water their crops. However, the invention of agriculture came with its consequences which appeared both good and bad for the Mesopotamian kingdom. Although agriculture was a great discovery for the Ancient kingdom, helped by its location and methods, its impacts appeared to be both positive and negative. It is clear that before the advent of agriculture, hunting and gathering was the surviving method. People were going inside bush to hunt wild animals for their meat and skin and were collecting natural consumable plants or grains. In fact agriculture intervened just between the years 8000 BC and 6000 BC with the domestication of animals such as goats and crops growing in the Ancient Mesopotamia. According to Robert Chadwick, the author of First Civilizations: Ancient Mesopotamia and Ancient Egypt, three mains assumptions could be the reasons of the advent of agriculture and each of them having one major reason. He said: The three hypotheses presented all maintain that there was one major cause behind the origins of agriculture. In the case of the oasis hypothesis it was a great climatic change; foe the nuclear zone hypothesis it was a certain set of conditions that created a special ecological region where agriculture could occur; for the population pressure hypothesis it was the increase in human population (Chadwick, 27). This is to say that the real factors which started agriculture are not really determined despite the fact that researches are being made about the whole issue. As we said above, agricultural activity was actually apparent in the beginning of the years 6000 BC. The early settlement of the cultivating activity was achieved through many steps such as the Hassuna, the Samarra and the Halaf according to the Encyclopedia AMERICANA (p. 737). These establishments took place from the North to the South of the worlds first civilization. More importantly, there was a great variation of crops that the Mesopotamian society were domesticating or cultivating in their time. In the New Encyclopedia Britannica it is said that:à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ and the wild prototypes of grains and leguminous plants, such as wheat, barley, bitter vetch, pea, and lentil were present. This explains that there was diversity in their food production which was a good step in the development of agriculture of the Ancient Kingd om. In addition to that, Louis and Jenifer of the website who posted an article titled Farming and agriculture of Egypt and Mesopotamia added that: Farmers raised grain, fruit, vegetables, and barn yard animals. Without any doubt we can state that the discovery of agriculture in the ancient kingdom was being useful as the products were in abundance, varied and diverse. For agriculture to develop, the land has to be in a good location with a fertile soil. In fact, the agricultural settlement of Mesopotamia occurred in many places from the North to the South. The ancient kingdom possessed a very fertile soil favoring the development of cultivations activity. Precisely, as the ancient kingdom is located in the Middle East, it appears to be the first place where agriculture began in a general way. In the plains of northern Mesopotamia, the Zagros and the Taurus foot-hills were among the first places where the cultivating activity was practiced. In the Encyclopedia AMERICANA, it is said that: Agriculture began in the Middle East, in the Zagros and Taurus foot-hills, home of wild cereals and wild goats and sheep. From there the earliest settlements were established on the plains of northern Mesopotamia (Agriculture, 737). Moreover, the three cultural phases listed in the Encyclopedia AMERICANA such as Hassuna and Halaf which took place in the northern pa rt of the empire and Samarra was more a southern settlement. Also, the people called Ubaid extended their culture from north to the south before they settle along the eastern coast of Saudi Arabia to Syria where they also practiced agriculture (Agriculture, 738). More importantly, along the coasts of the present day Iran, Anatolia, Syria, Iraq and Palestine were cited among the places where cultivations occurred and made the populations to settle around in order to have a good improvement of the new discovery (Agriculture, 864). While talking about the sites where there was evidence of farming, we should not forget to mention places like Zawi Chemi Shanidar, Shanidar itself, Karim Shahir, Qalat Jarmo, Jericho, Catalhuyuk and many others appearing to be locations where agricultural settlements occurred in the Ancient kingdom of Mesopotamia. Even though the Mesopotamian soil was fertile in a way that agriculture was very easy, there was a problem linked to the scarcity of rains. Nevertheless, they knew how to overcome the issue by the use of methods such as irrigation. In Fact, irrigation is the fact to bring additional water supply to a dry area in order to help crops growth. Certainly, the land consisted in its interior of wide rivers such as the Euphrates and the Tigris representing the most important ones from where water could be drawn to the cultivations fields and surrounded by Black Sea, Mediterranean Sea, Aral Sea, Arabian Sea and Caspian Sea also (Ancient Mesopotamia, Encarta). Mesopotamia was totally dependent on irrigation and its two big rivers because of the scarcity of rains and the article wrote and posted by Larry Mays on the site Water Encyclopedia says: Irrigation was extremely vital to Mesopotamia (Mays, Ancient Irrigation systems, The method of water flow control was first pra cticed in the two worlds first civilizations respectively Egypt and Mesopotamia. The application of the method needed a lot of physical work, correspondingly building. Activities such as building canals, ditches, tunnels, wide gaps where the water would come and stay and the maintenance of the infrastructures were constant in the area and it took them a lot of time to realize all this. Presently, according to, some abandoned canals and ditches still remain in the area but not intact, the farming activity of Mesopotamia started declining overtime caused by the accumulation of salt in the soil and in 1258, Mongols took over the empire and damaged the irrigation systems. By still dealing with Mays article on Water Encyclopedia, we got to know that the soil of the empire was full of silt, a major factor of soil fertility but constituted a continuous agent causing problems in the irrigation systems. Therefore, as there was not enough rainfall, the soil was kept its fertility because irrigation method could not wash a soil until removing its minerals components favoring good food production. Nevertheless, the Mesopotamian agricultural activity knew many problems such as flooding of water coming from the melting of snows in summer from the Turkish mountains according to the web page and an unpredictable water flood from its two principle rivers respectively the Euphrates and Tigris according to the article of Louis and Jenifer posted on However, irrigation carried many consequences on the farming activity in Mesopotamia. Irrigation maintained the fertility of soils because it did not deepen or sink the minerals as the way rainfall usually does. Minerals inside a soil are very important and help a fast and good food production at the end of an agricultural session. The topsoil did not wash away as it does on sloping land, and minerals did not leach deep into the soil as they do under heavy rainfall. Hence, the fe rtility could be maintained indefinitely by the use of fairly simple soil-management practices (Farming in Mesopotamia) said the web site about the impacts of irrigation. Socially, the development of irrigation was helpful to citizens in a sense that it was a physical and intellectual work helping for additional knowledge and body welfare. A fertile soil combined with irrigation result to good and fast food production as we all know. Meanwhile, agricultural settlement also had a great impact on the ancient empire social life. In fact, changes occurred in the populations life right after the discovery of agriculture. Agriculture is an activity which is practiced in a long period of time in such a way that it can neither be done in one day nor with a constant motion of the cultivators; sedentariness is needed in such activities. The educational web site called also demonstrated the same idea by saying: The most significant change was the shift from a nomadic life-style to settled villages. In order to care for crops and herds of animals, people needed to live in one place (First Farmers, Ancient Mesopotamia). Moreover, as by then the population settled down in one place in order to take care of their crops and animals, there was obviously an increase in inhabitants because the rate of mortality would have probably reduced, especially infant mortality caused by the constant motion of po pulations. There was also increase in food production due to the determination of the population in order to have a peaceful life without starvation. Nevertheless, the settlement of population either in cities or villages created social classes and therefore there would obviously be conflict in places where there are different levels of people. This discovery of agriculture made by the early Asians and the methods they used to develop it helped them in varying food. As soon as they noticed it was working they cultivated many different types of crops such as vegetables, talk less of fruits. They knew how to domesticate animals and also even though agriculture became the principal activity, hunting still survived. Jenifer and Louis also talked about it and said: Some of the fruits they planted were dates, grapes, figs, melons, and apples. Their favorite vegetables that they grew were the eggplant. They planted vegetables such as onions, radishes, beans, and lettuce. Farmers irrigated land and started planting wheat, barley, millet, beans, and sesame seeds. They used spears to hunt, caught fish in nets, and killed birds with sling shots and arrows (Farming and Agriculture in Egypt and Mesopotamia). Ultimately, we can say that the discovery of agriculture proves once more that the Ancient Mesopotamia is one the worlds first civilizations. Agriculture was a great and genius invention made by the ancient people though it was not easy to practice it because of the scarcity of the rainfall, but irrigation was used as support for water supply. The use of irrigation made at the same good and harm to agricultural activity in Mesopotamia in a sense that there was fast and good food production, but the activity was becoming more and more complex because of salt accumulation due to irrigation. However, cultivation also had its own consequences both positive and negative. Population settlement has always had both positive and negative impacts on social life such as the coming together of population when it comes to work and class struggle between different people and that was the case with Mesopotamia before their decline.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Maglev Consequences Essay -- essays research papers
Maglev Consequences Magnetically levitated ground transportation, or "maglev," is an advanced mode of surface high speed transportation whereby a vehicle gliding above a guide track is suspended, guided, and propelled by magnetic forces. Because they never touch the guide track causing friction, maglev vehicles can be designed to travel at extremely high speeds, 500 kilometers per hour (300 miles per hour), or more! Americans traveled 3.2 trillion passenger kilometers (2 trillion passenger miles) by car, truck, bus, and public transit, and 9.8 billion passenger kilometers (6.1 billion passenger miles) on Amtrak. As populations have grown the traditional systems have become stressed. Congestion on highways and at airports not only wastes time and fuel and increases pollution, but constrains mobility to the extent that economic growth and productivity are adversely affected. Increased demand. Between 1980 and 1990, with deregulation and consumer demand for fast inner-city travel leading to lower airline fares, commercial air traffic has increased by 56 percent. Adding to the congestion and delay is increased commuter and regional air traffic. Those short distance flights take valuable landing slots that could be used for larger planes on more profitable, longer flights. With the maglev vehicles the shorter trips excluding access time can be cut a lot. With a study of 16 major ...
Monday, November 11, 2019
Should Yahoo have been forced to turn over Justin Ellsworth’s email to his Parents?
In this essay, I will attempt to analyze the utilitarian and deontological considerations of the issue of should Yahoo had been forced to turn over Justin Ellsworth’s emails to his parents. Individual privacy is most valuable right that people possesses especially; during our time of advance technology. It is among the essential values on which our country was founded. As with all rights, there are limitations. Technology advancement has added more challenges to individual privacy. Email privacy is an issue that affects a growing number of people. To fully appreciate the lack of privacy and security of our email messages, it is important to understand the issues and threat that exist†(Inforweblink). Many argue that a person email account contains as much as information as a person bank account if not more and it should be treated as such. If we should treat our email accounts as our bank accounts then is it right for the courts to force companies to hand over informatio n to third parties? Utilitarian consideration is described as the â€Å"greatest good for the greatest number of people†(Bentham). To determine who would gain the most from the emails, we must identify the parties involve. The parties involved are Yahoo (the email service provider), Justin and Justin’s parents. With all email account, the user must sign a user agreement. In most agreement, privacy is the number one topic covered. Yahoo user agreement states, â€Å"You agree that your Yahoo! account is non-transferable and any rights to your Yahoo! ID or contents within your account terminate upon your death. †The statement was created to protect the privacy of all including the decease. Yahoo risked losing the trust of its users if they willingly gave up Justin’s email to his parents. According to Yahoo Information Sharing and Disclosure section of the user agreement, â€Å"Yahoo does not rent, sell, or share personal information about you with other people or nonaffiliated companies except to provide products or services you've requested, when we have your permission. †Therefore, if Justin wanting to share his information with his parents, then he would have gave them access to his account. â€Å"i should get going oh by the way i am saveing all of the e-mails that i get from everyon. â€Å"They really brighten my day i love you and i will talk to you soon! †LOVEYOUALL LOTS!!! JUSTIN These are some of the emails that Justin sent to his father, John Ellsworth. John will hold these words close to his heart. John pleaded with Yahoo to release the email to his family to fulfill the family wishes of â€Å"reading, seeing, and knowing the young m an’s last words, pictures and thoughts from the front lines of Iraq. †â€Å"I want to be able to remember him in his words. I know he thought he was doing what he needed to do. I want to have that for the future,†John said. â€Å"It's the last thing I have of my son. †Where should we put the most emphasis, Justin’s family memory or protecting the privacy of others? Justin’s account not only contains emails to his parents but to other also. If Yahoo had giving up the emails willingly to Justin’s parents, they would be violating the Justin privacy and those who he was corresponding with. After examining each party involved it clearly shows that Yahoo would gain the most of the email because the privacy of all is just as important as one. Deontological considerations access a person rights and duty associated with that right. Yahoo and Justin entered into a contract once Justin agreed to the terms and condition set forth by Yahoo in its user agreement therefore creating a contractual right. â€Å"Yahoo! has a contractual obligation to Justin and all e-mail subscribers to protect their confidentiality and privacy  dead or alive (Jennifer Chamber/ the Detroit News). †When Yahoo declined Justin’s parent’s access to his account they were fulfilling their obligation that they had with Justin. Many were quick to judge Yahoo without fully examining the situation. Frank McNelis, a former Air Force officer said, â€Å"Yahoo! could make an exception if it wanted to in this case†¦Ã¢â‚¬ â€Å"I think it's outrageous,†he said. Justin had a part in the contractual agreement also. Yahoo Terms of Service agreement states, â€Å"You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of the password and account†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Once Justin accepted those terms, he was obligated to carry out his role in the TOS. The TOS might have played a part in Justin not giving his parents access to his account or maybe he just wanted his privacy. Looking at the deontological aspect of this situation, Yahoo was right to decline the family assess to Justin Ellsworth’s email account. Decided who was right in the case, brought up some challenges that had to be worked through in order to make the correct moral decision. Morally it was wrong of the court to force Yahoo to give up Justin’s emails to his parents. Yahoo is bound to protect their user privacy. The contractual right that Yahoo shared with Justin enabled them to make the moral decision.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
issues of uncle tom essays
issues of uncle tom essays The book, Uncle Toms cabin, takes the reader through two very different insights of slavery: the conquest of freedom and the decline of Uncle Tom. Stowe places the reader in the story by including every aspect that a slave would live through. She expresses religion and mortality from both the south and the north. Stowe shows the treatment of slaves living in all kinds of conditions. The book starts out in a calm, settling way. The slaves are with a nice family and are happy. Then, Stowe takes the reader through an ironic twist. A slave trader comes to Mr. Shelbys house, and in return for a debt, he wants two slaves. The slave trader wants Tom, a hard working, religious man, and Elizas young child. Tom accepts what has happened, looks to the Lord and does what is expected. On the other hand, Eliza runs away and takes her son with her before the new owner could claim her. Ironically, the reader would assume that Uncle Tom is bound for freedom, and Eliza is bound for decline. Stowe creates her characters in a way that describes each of her views, and each character resembles a real life situation Like the majority of Stowes character, religion plays a major role showing the beliefs and faiths of northerners, southerners, the well-treated slaves, and the badly treated slaves. Miss Ophelia is a character who resembles the north. She is a cousin of St. Clare, a rich man that treats his slaves fairly. Miss Ophelia arrives in the south with her northern views to help St. Clare manage his household. She is against slavery, but still does not feel equal to blacks. She expresses her views to St. Clare. I tell you Augustine, I cant get. Its a perfect abomination for you to defend such a system, -thats my mind. Page.222 Although she feels that slavery is wrong her misunderstanding of the race makes her feel uneasily ...
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Romanticism Literature Review Essays
Romanticism Literature Review Essays Romanticism Literature Review Paper Romanticism Literature Review Paper Essay Topic: Everything Is Illuminated Literature The Sublime is one of the significant notions in the aesthetics of eighteenth century Romantic literature. Critics examine the sublime as elevated thought inspired by awe of the majesty of nature. It is important to realise that the idea of the sublime was not created by the Romantics and although the Romantics did not always agree in the particulars of philosophies and theories, the Sublime was generally agreed to be an attractive aesthetic. It is using hindsight that critics analyse what can be described as the Sublime and so I will assess sources and examine the overall trends. Tintern Abbey (Wordsworth, 1798) is the poets reflection on the sublimity of nature whilst on a visit to the abbey. The poem represents the peak of Wordsworths first era of artistic output and heralds much of the poetry that follows. Like The Prelude themes of pantheism appear as he acknowledges the sublime and nature as dominating mankind fashioning himself as a worshipper of Nature. Wordsworth directly references a sense sublime almost portraying it as an awareness of some spiritual consciousness. He is not able to find harmony in mankind and so approaches nature almost with religious awe. Wordsworth wants Dorothy to remember how much he loved his visit to Tintern Abbey, and so Nature acts as a mechanism for two people to reminisce. This supports Wordsworths ideals that appreciating nature can raise mankind to a height of sublime in a way that society cannot. The poem is written in structured blank verse, and comprises of paragraphs rather than stanzas and it is here we see the development of the conversation poem thought to be invented by Coleridge and Wordsworth. The imagery and language remain consistent through Wordsworths poetry when considering the sublime, adhering to rules he set out in the 1802 preface to the Lyrical Ballads. In this he argued that poetry should be written in the native language of common dialogue rather than the traditional lyrical or poetic dictions of the era. By removing egotistical elements he can offer access to the emotions contained in this particular memory therefore offering a gateway to the sublime. Wordsworths (1805) The Prelude contains further develops theories on the growth of the poetic intellect, whilst also exploring the ideas of the power of nature coexisting with the sublime. Its focus presents a fundamental step into the Romantic Sublime as he examines in his poetry that From Nature doth emotion come, that is why nature can convey moments of serenity or exhilaration. Wordsworth is interested in something that is transcendental and surpasses the senses, this is his understanding of the Sublime. Themes of humanism and pantheism crop up in The Prelude as he acknowledges the natural realm for teaching him to recognise the primacy of mankind. Although it could be argued that a humanist emphasis would make the sublime secondary, it helps to explain his idea that Nature does not possess false or vain conceits but is something to admire for its pureness and meekness. Wordsworth finds everything above a level of mist illuminated by the moon during his climb of Snowdon. He views the mist as a vast expanse of sea and how this replaces the real sea which shows the ability of the mind to dominate over the actual reality. The reformation of the reality into an image shows the creative capacity which puts Wordsworth in touch with the Sublime. Like Wordsworth, Coleridge uses blank verse in The Lime-Tree Bower my Prison (1798) to emphasise the conversational characteristics of the poem which allow for fluctuations in tone. Coleridge is separated from his friends yet is able to relax and accept his lonely situation as it is of a physical not mental condition. The solitary humble bee represents Coleridge working in serene synchronisation with Nature as he appreciates the sublime at work. According to Coleridge, in order for an object to be sublime, it must be considered in its greater context not just as an independent item. It is useful to consider Coleridges opinions on the sublime, as he believed that Nature was only occasionally sublime as there are few entities in nature that are illimitable for instance the sky or the sea. However objects such as mountains, viewed by many romantic scholars as subliminal, are not endless. So it is more of a case in the poem that he focuses on the metaphysical aspect of the sublime found between sky and earth and the aspect of eternity. Alongside Coleridge and Wordsworth, Nature was an important aspect for Shelley in his prose and poetry. As we can see, Romanticist writers believed that nature inspired a terrifying feeling that nature was more significant than mankind could comprehend. The terror came from the realisation that nature was supremely powerful. Mont Blanc (1817:1999) gradually illustrates this and ultimately in the fourth stanza reveals how these emotions work to teach mankind to respect the majesty of nature thus a two sided connotation evoking both awe and terror. Shelley identifies some of the features of nature that combine to reflect the sublime for instance the fields, the lakes, the forests, and the streams. To support the idea that the sublime is elevated over human comprehension, Shelley specifically does not openly mention mankind in his list. As far as Shelley is concerned, humans are irrelevant compared to the power of the sublime. It is interesting to note that Shelley uses enjambment to guarantee that living beings only get a split second thought as the reader must instantaneously continue onto the next line. Living things are placed between Ocean and daedal earth as if to reiterate that mankind is insignificant compared to the majesty of nature. Mont Blanc is a supreme example of the Sublime because Shelley shows that the man could be expunged from the earth in comparison to the everlasting universe. Aidan Days Romanticism (1996) contains a chapter entitled Gender and the Sublime which is a good introduction to the topic of the Su blime. Day reviews shifting opinions of Romanticism whilst placing writers such as Wordsworths work in to the context of philosophical thinkers such as Edmund Burke. Initially this chapter it presents us with a definition of the sublime as an experience of a power that exceeds the quantifiable and usable (Burke, 1757). The chapter contains excerpts from Burkes theories accompanied by Day summarising each of these points. He then goes on to find similarities among Burkes ideas with Wordsworths The Prelude which enables us to see Burkes philosophies put into practice. He quotes extensively from all of his sources meaning it is easy to reference to the primary sources included. The chapter is not a description of the sublime rather a study into the differing opinions surrounding this topic. This makes it a useful start in researching the social and historical context surrounding this aspect of Romanticism. A key element in the romantic sublime is gender portrayal. Anne K Mellors Romanticism and Gender (1993) is a good source to consider the gender conflicts within Romanticism. Mellor discusses the sublime in terms of gender with regards to the masculine and feminine aspects. She notes that traditional feminine qualities are taken over by masculine Romanticism. For instance, typically feminine qualities such as love, mercy and compassion are appropriated by the masculine poets. By Nature being female, the female is erased, she does not have a voice thus does not exist. The tradition of the feminine sublime is found in those women writers who grew up enclosed by immense mountainous backdrops that were openly observed as sublime by Romantic writers. Mellor comments that whilst male protagonists respond to the sublime with a loss of self, women represent it as a blissful experience of shared experience in a nature they gender as female. For the female author, nature is a companion with whom they can share their experiences, as opposed to the male version being distinctly elevated above mankind. Modianas Coleridges Conception of the Sublime (1985) provides a broad study of how Coleridge regarded nature and how he criticised the theoretical and aesthetic vocabularies accessible to him. She also shows how Coleridge strove to bring his idea of the metaphysics of nature in line with his Christian theology. Whilst other writers may have the opinion that Coleridge viewed nature as of little importance compared to Wordsworth, Modiana tries to correct this view. For instance, the German Sublime openly describes the authority of the mind over nature. However even though Coleridge preferred Kants sublime to Burkes sublime, he was not as eager to abandon nature as Kant or to use a confrontation with nature as an egotistical means to affirm the minds power. Thus is a useful chapter to gain a beneficial understanding of Coleridges subtle adjustments of Kants aesthetic theory in relation to the sublime in Romantic poetry. Whilst not mentioning the sublime directly, Wimsatt examines the imagery in Nature presented by eighteenth century Romantic Poets in his essay The Structure of Romantic Nature Imagery (1960). He questions whether romantic nature poetry exhibits any imaginative structure that is a specific counterpart of the subject and by trying to answer this helps us view the sublime in an eighteenth century context rather than modern day. Wimsatt picks up on the theme of Pantheistic Naturalism in Wordsworths Tintern Abbey then considers that God is not mentioned within the poem yet is the text is profound and concerns the spiritual. According to Wimsatt it was a common feat of nature poets to read meanings into the landscapes and beckon profound spiritual experiences without explicit religious statements. It is curious to note that he states Romantic Poetry had fallen out of favour among advanced critics at the time of writing however does not expand on this statement. This is unfortunate as it would be a useful viewpoint on the opinions across the years of the romantic sublime and its contexts.
Monday, November 4, 2019
The Impacts developing and evaluating technologies for addressing e Essay
The Impacts developing and evaluating technologies for addressing e provision and licensing of e-books - Essay Example These methods and techniques have great results for web application projects while others prefer a more formal approach. Different aspects of failure and success of agile methods shall be discussed in detail during the research [1]. Web engineering is defined as â€Å"an agile, yet disciplined framework for building industry-quality web applications†[1]. There are several methods and techniques through which web engineering takes place. Some methods are more structured and formal; while others involve minimum aspects of formal planning and documentation. The latter concentrate more on the core development issues of the development and are called the agile web engineering processes [1]. These methods are mainly an invention of web developers and consultants; foundations of which have been derived from their past professional experiences. They term it as a more practical approach that also benefits the client. Some guidelines regarding the methods of web development have been combined to form the twelve principles, known as ‘Agile Web Design Manifesto’ [5]. The impact of AWE is different for organizations; some developers find it practical and therefore abide by it. Whereas some organizations do not experience the same level of success and face hurdles in applying this approach [2]. Therefore the research is focused on the reasons and operational environments which might support or deny the claims of agile methods. The research will be helpful to identify the main causes of failure of an agile web development approach; so that those aspects can be corrected or mitigated. This can serve as a guideline for the necessary steps to achieve an agile development structure. The different modes of agile web engineering, their success scenarios and failures shall be critically analyzed. The steps shall be discussed that are involved during a formally structured organization’s
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Pakistan Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Pakistan - Research Paper Example Historically, Pakistan came under the rule of different rulers like the Mauryan Empire, which ruled for two hundred years before Christ (B.C). After this, Pakistan was conquered by the Kushan Empire. The area that is now Pakistan and India was always merged into one polity under all this different rulers who saw it as the best way to govern the Indian subcontinent (Kaplan 2). The area was characterized by two rivers; the Ganges River and the Indus River and their tributaries. The Indus River and its tributaries fall on the Pakistan side and the Indus with its tributaries fall on the Indian side, with the watershed running almost perfectly matching the border demarcation that separates the two countries. Earlier rulers, like the Kushans, never tried to demarcate the region into two separate entities unlike the British, Mughals and the Mauryans, who saw the need to group them under such entities (Kaplan 3). The source of Pakistan’s troubles could be attributed to the Muslim expe rience that Pakistan got under different Islamic warriors. Every successive conquest saw the area named as Pakistan today; being at the center of these conquered territories (Kaplan 1). One of the major capitals of the Mauryan Empire was Peshawar, which is a major city in today’s Pakistan. This further indicates that this region and Pakistan, as a whole, have had a long running history with Muslim influence (Kaplan 2). This does not imply that religion is the problem, in Pakistan, but an avenue used, by wrong elements, to act as a vessel for their objectives. Hurdles facing Pakistan can be linked to its history of being a frontier territory because it acted as a transition point for many cultures, religions and governments even in the medieval ages. There was the influence of religion and cultural diversity, from the Arab world and central Asia, on one side, and change of governments from the eastern frontier. It was made up of different socio-cultural elements, and with the dawn of the 20Th century, Pakistan did not inherit any form stable institutions that citizens believed in as was the case with neighboring India after Colonial rule (Kaplan 2). When Pakistan came into being, the majority of the country’s wealth existed in the Indus valley, which encompasses the Punjab state. It has the best irrigation fields and the river basin provided numerous resources business opportunities. The area was also on the trade routes used to trade with other neighboring regions like Afghanistan, China and Russia (New York Times 34). It has the best schools and the majority of females are educated unlike other parts of Pakistan like the Sindhi, Baluchistan and Pashtun states. This caused discontent to develop between the privileged state of Punjab and the rest of the country (Kaplan 3). This led to the development of strong ethnic authorities at the expense of government institutions that were lacking or were inefficient. Their different linguistic varieties st rengthened the animosity between different warring factions. This has left the country with Islamic idealism as the only attempt at unification which has fuelled Islamic extremism (Kaplan 4). The inhabitants of the Indus River valley complain that they are discriminated against as the only working portion of the population (Kaplan 4). Failed or failing state institutions are the
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